Old Bridge, NJ  1 - 30 of 73 Car Storage Facilities

Old Bridge, NJ Car Storage Information

Most Common Types of Car Storage in Old Bridge, NJ

Indoor Storage in Old Bridge

Much like traditional self-storage, indoor storage units are the safest, most secure option for your vehicle in Old Bridge, however because of that they are also the most expensive. Prices do vary by size, and some small cars/motorcycles can fit in a 10x10 or 10x15 unit, but your average size automobile will require a 10x20 unit.

Outdoor storage in Old Bridge

Outdoor storage in Old Bridge ranges from an unpaved lot to a dedicated parking spot on the facility grounds. Typically these spots are uncovered, however some outdoor options do have canopies you can park under. These spots will cost more than their uncovered counterpart, but they are still a much cheaper option than indoor vehicle storage.

Tips on How to Store a Car at a Old Bridge, NJ Storage Facility

  • Measure your car before you rent your unit to make sure you choose the right size
  • Give it a good cleaning before placing the vehicle in storage
  • Change the motor oil
  • Inflate the tires
  • Purchase fuel stabilizer
  • Once in storage, disconnect the battery
  • Don't use a parking brake
  • Always keep your vehicle covered with a car cover

Helpful Vehicle Storage Resources

Vehicle Storage Size Guide

Not sure what size car storage you need? Start here!

Car Storage Options

From outdoor to indoor storage options, decide which option is best for your vehicle.

Prepare Your Car For Storage

Find out how to prepare your vehicle for storage.

Motorcycle Winter Storage

Prepare your motorcycle for storage with this guide.

Frequently asked questions

On average it costs about $117.10 per month to store a car in Old Bridge. You can compare car storage prices and sizes on SelfStorage.com.

A lot of storage facilities offer discounts for new customers. To find vehicle storage discounts in Old Bridge you can search by zip code on SelfStorage.com

Outdoor parking spots are typically the cheapest way to store a car because they don't offer the same level of protection as an indoor or enclosed storage unit. To compare car storage prices in Old Bridge you can search by zip code on SelfStorage.com.

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